CLIENT: Two Loops Catchment Group
EXPERT: Denise Knop (AgFirst) and Roland Stenger (Lincoln Agritech)

About this resource
Denise Knop (AgFirst) and Roland Stenger (Lincoln Agritech Ltd) supported Two Loops Catchment Group to identify opportunities for reducing contaminant loss to water on different properties throughout their catchment.
Roland and Denise prepared two documents that:
- Reviewed existing groundwater and surface water monitoring data in the area.
- Provided high level implementable actions for nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and E. coli.
- Outlined an action plan with next steps for the catchment group to improve freshwater quality outcomes.
You can read the action plan here (PDF, 2.01 MB), and the review of data informing this plan here (PDF, 2.80 MB).
This case was completed thanks to the work of the Two Loops Catchment Group, Denise Knop (AgFirst), and Roland Stenger (Lincoln Agritech Ltd).
Reported data was sourced from Waikato Regional Council monitoring data, and the Critical Pathways Programme lead by Lincoln Agritech.