CLIENT: Kaipātiki Project EcoHub
EXPERT: Konstanze Steiner (Cawthron Institute), Brett Stansfield (Environmental Impact Assessments)
About this resource
Konstanze Steiner (Cawthron Institute) and Brett Stansfield (Environmental Impact Assessments) developed a sampling strategy for environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling for kākahi (freshwater mussel). As part of this support, Konstanze and Brett undertook the following:
- Literature review;
- Stream catchment walk to identify sampling sites;
- Training for eDNA collection and water filtration; and,
- Step-by-step protocols for eDNA sampling and water filtration
This resource will be available soon for you to view.
This case was completed thanks to Kaipātiki Project EcoHub, Konstanze Steiner and Brett Stansfield.