CLIENT: Barkers Creek Catchment Group
EXPERTS: Dr Michael Greer (Torlesse Environmental Limited)
About this resource
Dr Michael Greer (Torlesse Environmental Limited) recently provided Barkers Creek Catchment Group advice to help the group better understand the source and impact of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in Barkers Creek. Michael prepared a report that examined the extent to which elevated nutrient levels in the catchment were attributable to naturally occurring processes and evaluated the feasibility of meeting the nutrient-related Freshwater Outcomes and Water Quality Limits set out in Plan Change 7 (PC7) of the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP).
The report included:
- A review of existing literature and previous studies on the catchment.
- An interpretation of water quality sampling data collected in recent years.
- Recommendations for monitoring or further investigatory work to improve understanding of nutrient levels.
- Suggestions for next steps in engaging with Environment Canterbury and the LWRP
The full report is accesible here (PDF, 2.82 MB).
This case was completed thanks to Barkers Creek Catchment Group, Torlesse Environmental Limited.